Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Regensburg, Germany

Regensburg was the midpoint of our cruise; it was a port stop to visit and for the ship to re-stock and do some housekeeping of sorts.  At this dock we were tethering up to one of the Scenic River Cruise ships.  We were watching from our balcony and greeted the passengers in their cabin as we approached them.  They were disappointed that they could not go any further on their trip because of the river's low water.  We mentioned that our cruise was moving forward: our Captain would either navigate very carefully or, the Avalon River Cruise had another ship on the other side of Regensburg; if we could not cruise on, then passengers aboard the two Avalon River ships would be bussed, switched and transferred.  Regardless, Avalon River Cruises had options to keep the passengers continuing on with the cruise one way or another.  (With so many Avalon ships cruising, it was a brilliant idea to swap ships should it be needed.)  Our Captain moved forward with our cruise.  We felt one or two instances where the ship gently kissed the river bed, but we safely, calmly and happily continued on.  The following day we passed the Avalon ship that we almost boarded and waved to our fellow travelers as they cruised towards their end destination of Budapest.  Thank you Avalon, that you Captain!

I took only a few photos of Regensburg, there was so much renovation and restoration work being done, it wasn't easy to navigate the streets and enjoy what charm the city had to offer.  While there was no tour needed for Regensburg, the cruise did provide (complimentary) for passengers to enjoy sausages and beer at one of the riverside establishments...we headed back to the ship to relax and enjoy a great lunch aboard prepared by our incredible chef.  The food was superb at each and every meal.  Thank you, chef!

Passau, Germany

Passau was an adorable town to visit; we arrived on a Sunday and, while many of the shops were closed, there was no shortage of restaurants and cafes to drop in and the grand church was open to visitors.    A short walking tour was offered and we joined the group for a little bit of Passau history.  Afterwards, some fellow passengers and I continued our walk to the pedestrian-only area, peering into shop windows then taking the time to sit at an outdoor cafe.  We ordered refreshments and watched the passersby; families with strollers, friends out for the day, couples possibly relaxing after a busy Saturday night.  But one older couple caught my eye:  She in her beautiful dirndl (typical southern German dress) and he in lederhosen.  No fanfare, no staring, just life and living as it should be.

The next day we were scheduled to be in Regensburg, but Mother Nature had other ideas....the river was low, and there was a chance we'd not move forward...but until the Captain and officials at Avalon Cruises made a decision, we'd dock overnight at a nearby village and enjoy another spectacular evening aboard.

With still no decision made the following morning, a trio of buses were brought to the ship for another day in Passau.  While some excursions were cancelled (and refunded), others we offered (at no expense).  We opted for another day in Passau; it was so nice to stroll and wanted another chance to explore the shops!  Upon arrival back at the ship, the decision to move forward and onward was made.

Here are my photos of Passau, Germany.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Melk, Austria

Melk, Austria, in the Wachau Valley, was a day stop during an Avalon Cruise along the Danube River.

As we were gently cruising the river, out of the trees appeared a vision:  An incredible abbey!
The architecture, the detail and the embellishments were absolutely beautiful - and that was just from the river!  We took the included excursion to visit the abbey - its exterior paled in comparison to the interior.  This Benedictine Abbey, a retreat for the monks (sworn to poverty and simple living), highlights all that the Baroque style is: ornate, ornate and more ornate.  Part of the abbey is a museum featuring relics, chalices and vestments.  The dining hall rivaled any great hall of the castles of the time, and the church was so rich in detail that it was difficult to appreciate every bit of it.  We were overwhelmed upon entering the library with over 2,000 manuscripts and approximately 85,000 printed books.  (No photos were permitted!) There was a wealth of information, of history contained in those two library rooms...
(The abbey began construction in 1089 and completed in 1746.)

The warm August sun made for a spectacular day as we walked the gardens before heading back to the ship for another relaxing afternoon cruise - and a wine tasting featuring locally made wines.  A local vinter would join the ship and introduce us to delicious red and white wines as well as a delicious apricot liqueurs!  Tonight's evening meal would feature a selection of fine Austrian wines.

Enjoy the short video of the Abbey tour!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Vienna, Austria

(Vienna, Austria was a stop during an Avalon River Cruise)
Vienna is one of Europe's cultural and historic cities.  The city is a mix of new and historical buildings with no shortage of bakeries and sweet shops or concert halls.  Because the pier was a distance to the city center, we were offered the option of a narrated bus tour or take the metro.  We took the bus....and it was nice having the narration as we made our way through some very lovely parts of the city.  The remainder of the time was ours to wander about and possibly enjoy some cake and coffee.  After some time of walking, we were back on the bus headed to the ship for a rest before tonight's optional excursion - a private concert!
We knew that during the months of July and August most concert and opera performance are closed for holiday.  However, we had a rare opportunity to enjoy a private concert in a small palace.  It was incredible!  We were expecting just an evening of music, but we were surprised with additional performances by 2 operas singers and 2 ballet dancers.  It was an amazing evening and an experience not to be forgotten....and as we boarded the ship, we were handed a gift: a CD featuring the evening's musical artists.  Class Act!
Here is a snapshot of Vienna:
Safe Travels!