Friday, October 23, 2015

Driving the Along the Spanish Coast

Sometimes you just decide, in a moment's time, to take a drive, to a place you've never been but have heard about, that sounded interesting.....   Well, that was yesterday's adventure.

It was a spectacular day, the sky was blue as can be, with but a few clouds, and a warm gentle breeze.  It seemed a shame to just run morning errands and not take full advantage of such a glorious day.  So, with just a quick glance at a map on the phone, we headed off.  What could be so terrible?  If you get lost, pull over, order a cold beer or refreshing glass of white wine and savor a few tapas....You're in Spain!

Onto the highway for an adventureous drive to a new town to explore.  Spain's highways are in excellent condition with great signage - and beautiful scenery!  The mountains range from rolling hills that look like folds of fabric to sharp soaring white faced peaks; the drive had me looking at the mountains on one side and glancing down to the Mediterranean Sea on the other.  Nothing short of a great drive!

Arriving to the Puerto de Mazarron, we parked and walked along the paver promenade....or so we thought it was where were were supposed to be!  In fact, we stopped too soon and walked along a most beautiful, quiet stretch of beach with lovely seaside homes dotting the promenade.  Back in the car, it was getting close to lunch time in Spain (you eat when you're hungry, usually 2-4pm!).  In our mis-directed drive, we saw another little village that looked pretty so we went there....Bolnuevo.  It was a quiet tiny town - we drove through, stopped for an amazing photo (see below) and continued on a search for a place to eat.  Hmm, I remember another town, not too far that looked like a possibility.  This time, instead of the motorway, we took a local road...oh-my-goodness: we were driving up and over the mountains, curving and climbing and descending over and over again; seldom a car was seen.  It was unbelievable, what an amazing surprise.

Finally we did make it to our second spontaneous destination, Aguilas.  The promenade was humming!  Diners were making the most of the outdoor cafes and restaurants to enjoy the warm sun, gentle breeze and fantastic views over the wide (empty) beach and onto the sparkling sea.  We enjoyed a delightful lunch, with wine, for 10Euros each  ($12).  The view was mesmerizing and we sat there for quite a long time before we thought to get up and walk along the beach....

During the drive home, we couldn't believe what a fantastic day we had - and all on a spontaneous decision!  There is so much we've yet to explore in Spain, but we're going to give it one heck of a try!     I hope that some of my writings will inspire you to come visit really is a most wonderful country and the greatest asset is her people!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Romans Invade Cartagena, Spain!

Cartagena, Spain..... lovely Spanish city on the Mediterranean coast blessed with countless days of sunshine, surrounded by thousands of acres of farmland, warm and friendly people, delicious cuisine that is always paired with refreshing wines or beers....and then the Romans invaded.

Yes, invaded, not just centuries ago but just 2 weeks ago!

The city of Cartagena every year re-enacts the arrival of the Romans, the marriage of Hannibal, the battle against the native Cartagineses and parades of victory.  I was lucky enough to have watched the parade, front row seats at a reserved table at a local Cervecerria Surena.  Friends and I had the best seats, watching the parade while sipping on either beers or wine.  It was unreal to be in 2015 but it could have been 209 BC!

The festivities go on for 10 days, various events taking place each day.  There are activities for children, performances by the local dance school, musicians filling the September air with wonderful melodies and the locals (from babies to grandparents) are in character: magnificent costumes from footwear to head gear, spears and whips, flowing capes and gowns and more.  Babies born during the year are "registered" in an elaborate ceremony where the baby is presented to the emperor as a new citizen of Rome.  The baby, carried by proud parents, accompanied by even more proud grandparents, is "thumbprinted" on a piece of parchment and then held high for the audience to see and the cheering  crowd welcomes its newest citizen.  Candy is then tossed into the audience - mind you, the children in the audience scramble for every piece!

Think how exciting it would be if one of the many cruise ships arrived to the port (right in town) and the passengers were able to experience this - it would be the best free shore excursion ever!!  Maybe next year, I'll see you there!

In the meantime, hard to imagine how elaborate this is, so here are a string of my videos and photos.
