Friday, June 6, 2014

A Sunday Afternoon in Antibes

Last Sunday it was an absolutely splendid day - bright blue skies, sheer marbled clouds above and a gentle breeze filled with calm of a Sunday afternoon.  A short drive into the town of Antibes with plenty of parking available - during the week it is not such an easy thing to find!  The streets were quiet, only few cars were on the road. The wide sidewalks, shaded by magnificent trees, were dotted with a older couples strolling hand in hand, ladies, of a mature age, hair perfectly coiffed and beautifully dressed, holding on to one another as they whispered  the day's gossip followed by young families either going to, or coming from, a Sunday meal with mother.  It was a quiet type of day, larger stores closed for employees to be home with family and friends and smaller shops open for a few hours until mid-afternoon.  Restaurants open for a lunch soon closing to hurry home to family...for me, reminiscent of my childhood in old New York City.

Without any discussion between us, we knew what the midday meal was to be: crepes.  Our favorite place for crepes - it's been our favorite for over 8 years.  We've gotten to be regulars at "Creperie du Port" and are always greeted with a big smile followed by an aperitif  "on the house".  From the very beginning we requested the French menu (as opposed to the English written one) even when we had no idea what we reading.  It must have made an impression.  I have always ordered the same crepe; it's almost a joke!  Not a sweet crepe, but a buckwheat crepe stuffed with spinach and cheese, topped with an egg and garnished with a dollop of butter.  That's been my pick - for my husband, his favorite is a buckwheat crepe with mushrooms, ham, cheese and topped with an egg and, a dollop of butter.  The crepe covers the food groups of carb, protein, dairy and veggie - and deliciously done!  We started the meal with a sparkling hard apple cider, served in a cup - it's how it is done in Normandy, the northern part of France.  Different, interesting and we just go with the flow!

Dinner having been served, and the cider been depleted, it's time for dessert.  This is a sweet crepe that is so well known.  The menu offers so many choices....but I have my favorite: sweet crepe stuffed with banana slices, topped with melted dark chocolate and freshly whipped cream.  (I take my without the whipped cream - gotta count calories somehow!)  Now, one of the many choices my husband has tried, is the "Trois Pommes" - three apples.  A sweet crepe, stuffed with apples (#1), with apple ice cream (#2) and topped with calvados (apple liquor #3) and set on fire!  Wow - what a presentation.  In the photo you can barely see the blue flame that eventually burn off.  After a meal like that, it's time to stroll it off.  Join me for a Sunday stroll through Antibes...

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