Sunday, July 20, 2014

Recipe: 'Spaghetti with Scallop & Chorizo

Interesting what you can create when you've not planned a meal, haven't done a food shop for a few days and you're hungry.  Such was the case the other day; went through the cabinet and found a box of spaghetti.  Rummaged through the freeze looking for a surprise and found two: a small reserve of frozen scallops and a half bag of broccoli.  Searched the fridge and found a chorizo.  Hmm...scallops, chorizo, spaghetti and broccoli
And this is how it went together:

Cooked Chorizo
1 chorizo sliced and then quartered
1/2-3/4 lb of frozen scallops
1/2 lb spaghetti
Serves 2-4 (depending on portion sizes)
Broccoli or any veg you want

Defrosted Scallops
First rinse/defrost the scallops - don't let them sit in water.  Just keep running water over them & constantly drain
Now, set the water to boil for the pasta
Next cut the chorizo
Frying pan, medium heat cook the chorizo until beautifully browned
(Is the water boiling yet?  Add the spaghetti and cook as directed)
Remove the cooked chorizo, keep the flavorful oil!
Add the scallops to the frying pan with the chorizo oil and cook
Remove the scallops, keep the flavorful oil!
Add back just before pasta is done
Lower heat on the frying pan to the lowest setting while waiting for the pasta to cook.  Start cooking the broccoli.
When the pasta is just about done, turn up the heat on the frying pan to medium again
Add the chorizo and scallops back to the pan and move to the side so you can add the pasta
Drain the pasta and add to the frying pan
Drain & plate broccoli
Toss and turn the pasta in the frying pan, a few strands will get crispy while absorbing that fabulous color!

Plate the pasta first, then scoop the chorizo & scallops on top of each.
Serve the broccoli with a bit of olive oil and you've got a great meal!



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