Saturday, August 16, 2014

Travel: Cruise Port of Stockholm, Sweden

Early rise, hearty breakfast and off the ship!  We were docked far from the city center/old town, so we hailed a taxi and we were on our way.  First stop was the Royal Palace.  We walk around the Palace, and then onto the cobblestoned streets of Gamla Stan (old town).  Gently curving lanes lead to open squares.
Historic buildings, quaint eateries, wide waterways, beautiful people everywhere!!  We aimlessly walked and strolled finally settling down for an outdoor lunch.  It was unusually hot and cold refreshments, under a shady tree with a slow hearty lunch was perfect - we people watched as we ate!
We were fortunate enough to catch the changing of the Palace guards - marching band and all!  It was a perfect day to start a perfect vacation!  Enjoy the photo video!

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