Monday, October 20, 2014

Travel: Perpignan, France

Perpignan, France was our first stop on the road trip to Murcia, Spain.  Had no idea what to expect and what a delightful surprise!  A little bit of old, a little bit of new, a lot of history! We booked our one night stay at the Best Western Windsor Hotel and it was a perfect location for exploring!  (

Perpignan is quick off the auto route and just about an hour's drive to the Spanish border.

Full of charm, not too many tourists, and easy to navigate, Perpignan is highly recommended!  (Tourism link:  Arriving midday, we were so happy our room was available; we dropped off our bags and off we went to investigate!  A short 2 block walk and we were in the old part of town - free of cars, lots of warm sunshine flooding the town square and gentle breezes along the shop lined streets.  Old towns are funny: their streets turn and curve and loop around leaving you wondering where you are in relation to your starting point - you are usually just around the bend!  The culture is definitely has a "Catalan" influence; it's everywhere: food, language, signs and little "Catalunya" stickers!

Enjoy the photos of our afternoon stroll through Perpignan....


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