Friday, November 13, 2015

Delft and The Hague, the Netherlands EDIT VIDEO

After our last night aboard our Avalon River Cruise Ship, we departed for the nearby town of Delft.  We booked our hotel in the old town ( so walking to shops and restaurants would be a pleasant stroll over flower laden bridges and through charming winding lanes.  Delft is delightful!  Beautifully displayed storefront windows showcase baked goods, coffee and teas, housewares, pottery, cheese, ladies fashion and so much more.  The narrow canals, complete with quacking ducks and swans, even have a few tiny tour boats!  Some of the restaurants/cafes/pubs have outdoor dining on floating platforms!  We had the good fortune to catch a bright sunny afternoon perfect for a waterside lunch "al fresco".  That evening we had a spectacular dinner; afterwards we enjoyed a quiet stroll admiring the town illuminated by street lanterns and softly lit shop windows.
The next day we took a drive to The Hague...the name is synonymous with the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court.  It is also the seat of Government for The Netherlands (even though Amsterdam is the capital).  While the city has its charming points, with the King's offices located in The Hague at Noordeinde Palace, I still prefer the quaint town of Delft.
Delft, I will be back!!
Tot Straks   ("See you soon" in Dutch) 

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