Friday, November 13, 2015

Delft and The Hague, the Netherlands EDIT VIDEO

After our last night aboard our Avalon River Cruise Ship, we departed for the nearby town of Delft.  We booked our hotel in the old town ( so walking to shops and restaurants would be a pleasant stroll over flower laden bridges and through charming winding lanes.  Delft is delightful!  Beautifully displayed storefront windows showcase baked goods, coffee and teas, housewares, pottery, cheese, ladies fashion and so much more.  The narrow canals, complete with quacking ducks and swans, even have a few tiny tour boats!  Some of the restaurants/cafes/pubs have outdoor dining on floating platforms!  We had the good fortune to catch a bright sunny afternoon perfect for a waterside lunch "al fresco".  That evening we had a spectacular dinner; afterwards we enjoyed a quiet stroll admiring the town illuminated by street lanterns and softly lit shop windows.
The next day we took a drive to The Hague...the name is synonymous with the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court.  It is also the seat of Government for The Netherlands (even though Amsterdam is the capital).  While the city has its charming points, with the King's offices located in The Hague at Noordeinde Palace, I still prefer the quaint town of Delft.
Delft, I will be back!!
Tot Straks   ("See you soon" in Dutch) 

Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Holland)

Amsterdam is a city full of history.  We visited Amsterdam many years ago and had a great experience walking around the various parts of the city, enjoying great meals and excellent beers.  Our hotel (at that time the Jolly Carlton Hotel, now known as the NH Carlton Amsterdam) was very near the floating flower market so it was a daily routine to stroll and step aboard to enjoy the beautiful floral arrangements.  One evening we were enjoying a rather pleasant walk not paying attention to where we were going; we suddenly looked around and realized we had walked to a very wooded/forested area near a parkway.  We had no idea where we were, no how to pronounce the street name of our hotel.  Luckily in those days, your room key had the hotel name and address.  We showed it to one couple who, without speaking any of the same languages, walked us to the bus stop and waited for the bus with us to tell the bus driver where to let us off.  A little uneasy that we were lost, but grateful that strangers were kind enough to guide us.  A short bus ride later, we were directed to exit and walk straight ahead.  We walked a few blocks and found our hotel - "yeah" we said with a sigh of relief!  We had not realized that Amsterdam is a series of rings of land and canals and we must have zig-zagged away from the city center.  Anyway, all went well, because here I am 20 years later and writing about that experience as well as my most recent visit to Amsterdam!
Amsterdam was the port of disembarkation on our Avalon River Cruise this summer (2015).  The city was an overnight stop so there was a full day to enjoy Amsterdam's sights before disembarking the following morning.
As was for each port of call, a tour of Amsterdam was included - but this one was by water.  Gently bobbing in the canal, we passed under old stone bridges, photographed centuries old leaning houses with pretty shutters and were amazed at the hundreds of bicycles traversing the streets at any one moment and marveled at the sight of a parking lot just for bicycles.
It was a Monday morning and the streets were humming with cars, bikes, scooters and pedestrians; they were seamlessly intertwining as if a perfectly choreographed ballet.
After the canal tour, we walked for a few hours down twisty-turvy lanes, over bridges, through the main rail station (I love them!), along a section of waterfront and back to the ship to rest our tired feet.  We were happy to be off the organized mayhem that is today's Amsterdam city center....I guess if one lives there, you become one with the heartbeat and pulse of the city.  A morning's visit was more like a rapid out-of-synch heartbeat!
The city does provide opportunities for wonderful photos - here are mine!
Zo Lang   (So Long in Dutch)

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Lorca, Spain

We decided that a day road trip was in order....but where to go?  One of our travel books had made nice mention of a town called Lorca, which wasn't too far of a drive.  And as it would happen, I was reading up on Spain's Paradores (see note below) and one just happen to be located in Lorca.  Lorca it  would be.   I'm a late starter (I've gotten used to Spanish time and culture) and after a relaxed morning coffee off we were to Lorca.  It was a pretty ride that climbed and curved along the foothills of the mountains all the while catching glimpses of the sparkling sea below.  We arrived to Lorca about 12:30pm, too early for lunch but just enough time to tour the castle.  The Parador of Lorca is a modern design 4-star spa hotel set into the rampart wall of the castle.  We parked the car and walked up towards the castle and parador.  We decided to walk right to the parador and check it was lovely!  The views of the town below and mountains beyond were beautiful.  It had a calming "zen" sort of feeling.  The lobby reception area was like a new-build castle; the clean straight stone walls and floors, with soaring ceilings gave the area a regal feeling in a modern way.  We asked reception if the dining room was open for lunch, "yes", could non-guests make reservations, "yes" and so it was that dining reservations were made.  It was too early for lunch (it opens at 1:30pm) so we decided to take the castle tour.  The castle built between the 9th and 15th centuries and was a strategic point during the Spain's move to expel the Moors.  The castle features a tower that can be climbed to enjoy 360 degree views of the surrounding landscape.  The tower did suffer some earthquake damage in 2011 but restorative work has been completed.  The hand-held guide provided interesting facts and tidbits about the castle during the hour-plus tour.  By the time the tour was completed, we were in perfect time for lunch at just past 2pm.
We arrived back to the parador's dining room and were surprised to find we were the only ones! As we scanned over the menu, we talked and hoped that the hotel and dining room was not suffering from lack of guests.  Our ordered bottles of water and wine arrived to the table along with a "taster" from the kitchen - delicious!  When our beautifully presented appetizers arrived, I thought enough to photograph it...wish I had remembered to do the same as the main meal and dessert arrived!  Oh well....
The meal was absolutely wonderful and the service professional but warm.  To our amazement, as we looked around at some point during our meal, the dining room was filled and there was a convention group of about 100 making use of the outdoor dining!  We were thrilled to know business was bustling.
And as it is so often, we lingered over the meal and by the time lunch was over, the other museum we wanted to visit was closed until 4:30pm.  It was too long to wait around for the opening and then follow through with a tour, and since the clocks had already moved back (a week earlier in Europe) we preferred not to drive on unfamiliar roads under a night sky.  However, we will go back to Lorca to stay at the Parador, make good use of the spa facilities and visit the two museums dedicated to hand embroidered religious garments (Paso Blanco and Paso Azul) - guide books say it is well worth the visit.
In the meantime, here are a few of the photos of our day....

Paradores de Turismo de España is a chain of Spanish luxury hotels. It was founded by Alfonso XIII of Spain as a means to promote tourism in Spain, with the first opening in GredosÁvila, in 1928. A profitable state-run enterprise, the hotels are often in castles, palaces, fortresses, convents, monasteries and other historic buildings. The Hostal de los Reyes Catolicos in Santiago de Compostela is considered to be one of the oldest continuously operating hotels in the world, and one of the finest Spanish Paradors.
For more info on the Paradores:

Friday, October 23, 2015

Driving the Along the Spanish Coast

Sometimes you just decide, in a moment's time, to take a drive, to a place you've never been but have heard about, that sounded interesting.....   Well, that was yesterday's adventure.

It was a spectacular day, the sky was blue as can be, with but a few clouds, and a warm gentle breeze.  It seemed a shame to just run morning errands and not take full advantage of such a glorious day.  So, with just a quick glance at a map on the phone, we headed off.  What could be so terrible?  If you get lost, pull over, order a cold beer or refreshing glass of white wine and savor a few tapas....You're in Spain!

Onto the highway for an adventureous drive to a new town to explore.  Spain's highways are in excellent condition with great signage - and beautiful scenery!  The mountains range from rolling hills that look like folds of fabric to sharp soaring white faced peaks; the drive had me looking at the mountains on one side and glancing down to the Mediterranean Sea on the other.  Nothing short of a great drive!

Arriving to the Puerto de Mazarron, we parked and walked along the paver promenade....or so we thought it was where were were supposed to be!  In fact, we stopped too soon and walked along a most beautiful, quiet stretch of beach with lovely seaside homes dotting the promenade.  Back in the car, it was getting close to lunch time in Spain (you eat when you're hungry, usually 2-4pm!).  In our mis-directed drive, we saw another little village that looked pretty so we went there....Bolnuevo.  It was a quiet tiny town - we drove through, stopped for an amazing photo (see below) and continued on a search for a place to eat.  Hmm, I remember another town, not too far that looked like a possibility.  This time, instead of the motorway, we took a local road...oh-my-goodness: we were driving up and over the mountains, curving and climbing and descending over and over again; seldom a car was seen.  It was unbelievable, what an amazing surprise.

Finally we did make it to our second spontaneous destination, Aguilas.  The promenade was humming!  Diners were making the most of the outdoor cafes and restaurants to enjoy the warm sun, gentle breeze and fantastic views over the wide (empty) beach and onto the sparkling sea.  We enjoyed a delightful lunch, with wine, for 10Euros each  ($12).  The view was mesmerizing and we sat there for quite a long time before we thought to get up and walk along the beach....

During the drive home, we couldn't believe what a fantastic day we had - and all on a spontaneous decision!  There is so much we've yet to explore in Spain, but we're going to give it one heck of a try!     I hope that some of my writings will inspire you to come visit really is a most wonderful country and the greatest asset is her people!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Romans Invade Cartagena, Spain!

Cartagena, Spain..... lovely Spanish city on the Mediterranean coast blessed with countless days of sunshine, surrounded by thousands of acres of farmland, warm and friendly people, delicious cuisine that is always paired with refreshing wines or beers....and then the Romans invaded.

Yes, invaded, not just centuries ago but just 2 weeks ago!

The city of Cartagena every year re-enacts the arrival of the Romans, the marriage of Hannibal, the battle against the native Cartagineses and parades of victory.  I was lucky enough to have watched the parade, front row seats at a reserved table at a local Cervecerria Surena.  Friends and I had the best seats, watching the parade while sipping on either beers or wine.  It was unreal to be in 2015 but it could have been 209 BC!

The festivities go on for 10 days, various events taking place each day.  There are activities for children, performances by the local dance school, musicians filling the September air with wonderful melodies and the locals (from babies to grandparents) are in character: magnificent costumes from footwear to head gear, spears and whips, flowing capes and gowns and more.  Babies born during the year are "registered" in an elaborate ceremony where the baby is presented to the emperor as a new citizen of Rome.  The baby, carried by proud parents, accompanied by even more proud grandparents, is "thumbprinted" on a piece of parchment and then held high for the audience to see and the cheering  crowd welcomes its newest citizen.  Candy is then tossed into the audience - mind you, the children in the audience scramble for every piece!

Think how exciting it would be if one of the many cruise ships arrived to the port (right in town) and the passengers were able to experience this - it would be the best free shore excursion ever!!  Maybe next year, I'll see you there!

In the meantime, hard to imagine how elaborate this is, so here are a string of my videos and photos.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Regensburg, Germany

Regensburg was the midpoint of our cruise; it was a port stop to visit and for the ship to re-stock and do some housekeeping of sorts.  At this dock we were tethering up to one of the Scenic River Cruise ships.  We were watching from our balcony and greeted the passengers in their cabin as we approached them.  They were disappointed that they could not go any further on their trip because of the river's low water.  We mentioned that our cruise was moving forward: our Captain would either navigate very carefully or, the Avalon River Cruise had another ship on the other side of Regensburg; if we could not cruise on, then passengers aboard the two Avalon River ships would be bussed, switched and transferred.  Regardless, Avalon River Cruises had options to keep the passengers continuing on with the cruise one way or another.  (With so many Avalon ships cruising, it was a brilliant idea to swap ships should it be needed.)  Our Captain moved forward with our cruise.  We felt one or two instances where the ship gently kissed the river bed, but we safely, calmly and happily continued on.  The following day we passed the Avalon ship that we almost boarded and waved to our fellow travelers as they cruised towards their end destination of Budapest.  Thank you Avalon, that you Captain!

I took only a few photos of Regensburg, there was so much renovation and restoration work being done, it wasn't easy to navigate the streets and enjoy what charm the city had to offer.  While there was no tour needed for Regensburg, the cruise did provide (complimentary) for passengers to enjoy sausages and beer at one of the riverside establishments...we headed back to the ship to relax and enjoy a great lunch aboard prepared by our incredible chef.  The food was superb at each and every meal.  Thank you, chef!

Passau, Germany

Passau was an adorable town to visit; we arrived on a Sunday and, while many of the shops were closed, there was no shortage of restaurants and cafes to drop in and the grand church was open to visitors.    A short walking tour was offered and we joined the group for a little bit of Passau history.  Afterwards, some fellow passengers and I continued our walk to the pedestrian-only area, peering into shop windows then taking the time to sit at an outdoor cafe.  We ordered refreshments and watched the passersby; families with strollers, friends out for the day, couples possibly relaxing after a busy Saturday night.  But one older couple caught my eye:  She in her beautiful dirndl (typical southern German dress) and he in lederhosen.  No fanfare, no staring, just life and living as it should be.

The next day we were scheduled to be in Regensburg, but Mother Nature had other ideas....the river was low, and there was a chance we'd not move forward...but until the Captain and officials at Avalon Cruises made a decision, we'd dock overnight at a nearby village and enjoy another spectacular evening aboard.

With still no decision made the following morning, a trio of buses were brought to the ship for another day in Passau.  While some excursions were cancelled (and refunded), others we offered (at no expense).  We opted for another day in Passau; it was so nice to stroll and wanted another chance to explore the shops!  Upon arrival back at the ship, the decision to move forward and onward was made.

Here are my photos of Passau, Germany.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Melk, Austria

Melk, Austria, in the Wachau Valley, was a day stop during an Avalon Cruise along the Danube River.

As we were gently cruising the river, out of the trees appeared a vision:  An incredible abbey!
The architecture, the detail and the embellishments were absolutely beautiful - and that was just from the river!  We took the included excursion to visit the abbey - its exterior paled in comparison to the interior.  This Benedictine Abbey, a retreat for the monks (sworn to poverty and simple living), highlights all that the Baroque style is: ornate, ornate and more ornate.  Part of the abbey is a museum featuring relics, chalices and vestments.  The dining hall rivaled any great hall of the castles of the time, and the church was so rich in detail that it was difficult to appreciate every bit of it.  We were overwhelmed upon entering the library with over 2,000 manuscripts and approximately 85,000 printed books.  (No photos were permitted!) There was a wealth of information, of history contained in those two library rooms...
(The abbey began construction in 1089 and completed in 1746.)

The warm August sun made for a spectacular day as we walked the gardens before heading back to the ship for another relaxing afternoon cruise - and a wine tasting featuring locally made wines.  A local vinter would join the ship and introduce us to delicious red and white wines as well as a delicious apricot liqueurs!  Tonight's evening meal would feature a selection of fine Austrian wines.

Enjoy the short video of the Abbey tour!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Vienna, Austria

(Vienna, Austria was a stop during an Avalon River Cruise)
Vienna is one of Europe's cultural and historic cities.  The city is a mix of new and historical buildings with no shortage of bakeries and sweet shops or concert halls.  Because the pier was a distance to the city center, we were offered the option of a narrated bus tour or take the metro.  We took the bus....and it was nice having the narration as we made our way through some very lovely parts of the city.  The remainder of the time was ours to wander about and possibly enjoy some cake and coffee.  After some time of walking, we were back on the bus headed to the ship for a rest before tonight's optional excursion - a private concert!
We knew that during the months of July and August most concert and opera performance are closed for holiday.  However, we had a rare opportunity to enjoy a private concert in a small palace.  It was incredible!  We were expecting just an evening of music, but we were surprised with additional performances by 2 operas singers and 2 ballet dancers.  It was an amazing evening and an experience not to be forgotten....and as we boarded the ship, we were handed a gift: a CD featuring the evening's musical artists.  Class Act!
Here is a snapshot of Vienna:
Safe Travels!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Bratislava, Slovakia

(Avalon River Cruise Port Stop)
Welcome to Bratislava, Slovakia!
We arrived and docked right in the center of town - amazing to step off and be right there!  There was a bus waiting to give us a city tour with guided narration.  We made our through narrow winding streets and upwards for a birdseye view of the city and the beautiful Danube River.  Along the way, there was a bit of slow pass by of the American Embassy - it was a mini White House, columns and all!  Further along, we stop at the palatial grounds for a lovely walk and photo ops of the beautiful scenery.
Once the bus brought us back to the ship, we had the option of walking on our own or continuing on with our guide.  Our guide was delightful, so we continued on and learned a little more about Bratislava.  As the walk ended, we strolled back to the ship.  Along the way, we smiled as locals were enjoying the beautiful afternoon sipping teas, enjoying refreshing beers or  cooling down with tempting ice creams.
Back on the ship, we indulged in a few cold drinks ourselves and agreed the day had been just perfect!  But it wasn't to end there - we were treated to an onboard performance by the all female group "Bratislava, Bratislava" - and what a knock out performance they gave!  What a fantastic welcome we received in Bratislava, Slovakia!

Here is a snapshot of Bratislava:
Happy Travels!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Avalon Vista Ship - River Cruise

My Avalon river cruise aboard the Vista ship was an amazing journey; it could very well have been the best cruise experience I've ever had.  The ship, immaculately maintained, was "home" for two weeks from Budapest to Amsterdam cruising the Danube, Main and Rhine rivers.
Rather than write down in words, I took a few very short videos of some of the areas on the ship (stateroom, lounge forward, lounge rear and dining).  The last video is what really made our River cruise such a wonderful experience.
Now that I have access to my laptop, I can share photos of the ports of call and the many included shore excursions.  Avalon is a class act in all aspects, in all departments with an excellent staff...the experience exceeded my expectations!
As you'll see from the short videos, the ship never seemed crowded, yet felt intimate like a private yacht.  In the coming posts, I will write about the stops and share my pictures.  In the meantime, here are a few ship videos:

Lazily cruising along the river...ultimate relaxation!

The Panorama Suite

The Aft Lounge - Perfect for Morning Cappuccino or Late Night coffee

The Forward Lounge: Bar, Music, Dancing, Lectures, Afternoon Teas with Sweets

The Dining Room where the endless, delicious meals were served - with a view!

The Sky Deck - Sunning, Dining, Cruising and Nighttime Star Gazing

One last scenic clip!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Budapest, Hungary

Today is the start of a 15 day River cruise aboard Avalon's Vista.  I will write about the ship and include details and photos when I once again have access to my laptop.  For the next few posts I will attempt to write from my phone.  Let's begin the journey....

Budapest - I just say the name and images of an exotic, bohemian adventure comes to mind...well, it is and isn't!  It is an exotic eastern European city that is both very cosmopolitan with a strong bohemian presence.  Many international names are here, familiar in both the US and the UK side by side with antique dealers, folkloric shops full of handmade embroidered goods, and local brand shops.
The architecture is beautiful, the people handsome and friendly and the city alive with a pulse all its own.  In just a days time of walking, we think Budapest is a must see, a must do on anyone's list.  Not overrun with throngs of tourists but enough to remind you that this is a hidden gem of city.  And if I can suggest the Zenit Hotel it is excellent value: free wifi in your room, kids stay for free and some rooms are "family sized friendly "....and the rates are incredible!
As usual, we found the food market and thoroughly enjoyed our walk about this beautiful city!
I have plenty more photos but those will have to wait until they can be sorted into short videos upon return to my desk.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Market Day

Last week I wrote about our Saturday stroll and lunch at a seaside town.  Today is Sunday as I write this in advance of the post for coming weekend as you are reading it.  I know I've talked about the market and the rotisserie chicken but nothing better than seeing it in pictures!

Now I did take quite a few photos - the place is huge and there a lots of people with shopping carts (yes, shopping carts/trolleys/granny bags) and it's hard to get a photo without a head popping up!  Not that the photos are "photo-bombed" but sometimes, I wonder!  I had plenty to delete from all that I took.

So whatever you think you need, you can find it here, even if you didn't think you needed it.  Example?  How about a Flamenco dress?  Castanets?  Nail polish?  Household goods, pots and pans, fabrics by the bolt, clothing, shoes, belts, handbags and, of course, fresh produce are side by side with vendors pitching their prices and beckoning buyers to their stands.  Absolutely love it!

After making our way through every lane and turn, the last stop is the 'chicken man'....and as the French ladies might say "oh la la"!  For 8 Euros (about $8.80) the most delicious chicken, with a little gravy (aka "caldito"), makes it way to your home for an outstanding meal with leftovers.  And so we stood in line, about 5 deep, and waited for our turn - meanwhile holding on to a shopping bag that had to weigh in excess of 6 pounds with fresh off the vine tomatoes, freshly picked plums and the juiciest sweetest smelling peaches.  Our turn and we walk away smiling like we just snagged ourselves the best deal ever!  Can't get home fast enough because the aroma in the car is going to be torture!

Take a short visit with me as we go through the market....

Saturday, July 18, 2015

A Spanish Seaside Afternoon....

So what do you do in's a frequent question asked of us.  Here is a for-instance:

It's Saturday, middle of July and the seafront is busy!  Dive boats are carrying divers to and from the sea by the dozens; sailboats and cozy powerboats gently glide family and friends for a day on the water.

We like to take a walk along the town's seafront and admire the small fishing vessels that have long docked since the morning's catch of fish.  The fishing nets have been mended and casually laid along the dock ready for the next day.  The air smells of the sea...

The coastline is a rugged one on the port side of the cape and creates a dramatic backdrop.  Brave swimmers climb their way down to the cool waters, small boats find a calm spot between the rocks and on the opposite of the port is a shallow area where paddle boats and kayaks make their way into deeper waters.  The sandy beach is directly behind the port and the narrow spit of land that separates them is wide enough for a small parking area and a two way road.  Today the beach was full of sunbathers - some lounging, others under canopies or umbrellas (protecting oodles of coolers) and a few others played beach paddle tennis.  Children screamed with delight as they rolled with the waves.  No loud music, just the sound of happy family and friends spending a fabulous day at the beach.

As the time neared 1:45pm we made our way to the restaurant for lunch - it would be a paella of some sort, or a "caldero" (a soupy rice and fish stew) plus a refreshing sangria.  The restaurant had but a handful of diners as we arrived and within the hour, there wasn't a table to be had; the bar was three deep and outside tables (overlooking the waterway) were filling up with those wanting to sit in the shade and watch the boats come in.  After a two hour lunch, we needed to walk off the lobster paella that was perfectly cooked and accompanied by a chilled "jarra" (jug) of sangria.  Bueno!

Many of our days are spent walking through the towns that are nearby, greeting many of the restaurant owners and staff that recognize us.  We love to look in the windows of the shops and especially peruse a menu or two.  Last evening our community held a craft market; it was themed "hippie"....well, it was sort of hippie-dippie in the most delightful way - and yes, we made some purchases!  The craft market is held every Friday evening in July and August...something to look forward to either before or after a dinner in the village!

Tomorrow is market day - and dinner is always a rotisserie chicken that tastes as delicious as it smells!

Here is a short video of the afternoon's photos....adios!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

A Surprise Fiesta in Spain....

Today is Sunday and have decided to take advantage of the peacefulness that surrounds me and write a post; the sky is clear, there are few if any golfers on the course below and the Mar Menor is calm.  We went to the market today and picked up our rotisserie chicken from our usual man and a bag of oranges (it had to weight at least 5 pounds for only 2Euros - about $2.40).  Hmm.... what to do with oranges, a bottle of sparkling wine, a lazy Sunday, a spectacular view....Mimosas!  So this is what a blogger's life is all about....sometimes!
Making Mimosas

Getting Ready to Write

And here is today's post:
A few weeks ago, we happened to visit a nearby town to stroll it's Calle Mayor (aka:Main Street).  As  we approached a small town square, we could hear music playing....a quick shuffle towards the sound and we almost bump into a gorgeous white horse! What?!  And then another horse and another and ladies in Flamenco dresses!  It was a fiesta of some kind and we decided to join in the festivities and ordered up a pitcher of sangria!  We watched as the horses took turns parading by us; their manes beautifully combed or braided and trotting side ways as we sipped our wine.  No words can accurately convey the images, so here is a collection of photos taken!

Imagine seeing this upon entering the town square!

Mother and daughter in Flamenco dresses!

Horses galloped, strutted and danced to our enjoyment.

Well, next week I shall write about another adventure, an unexpected discovery or a new acquaintance.  One never knows what surprise the the next day will bring and I never know what my next post will be about - except it will be spontaneous!
But one thing I do know, Spain is beautiful and offers no limit to the many wonders we can discover together!


Sunday, July 5, 2015

Cruise Port-of-Calls Spring 2015

As promised, I shortened the videos to just a few minutes giving you just a glimpse into each of the cruise stops we made to the Azores, Cork/Cobh, Rotterdam and Bruges.  Each was uniquely different, each enchanting and delightful to have visited!
Enjoy the clips!

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Azores, Portugal

Cork & Cobh, Ireland

Bruges, Belgium

Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Transatlantic Cruise

My last writing I had just completed a 3 day mini-getaway on the newest Princess ship, the Regal.  And today I am sharing my transatlantic crossing on the sister ship, the Royal Princess.  What a wonderful experience!

My husband and I boarded in Ft.Lauderdale on the 25th of April and never expected the ship to be “full”…. my mistake!   I never realized how popular the crossings were for so many reasons;
some don’t/can’t/won’t fly,  others prefer to gently ease into the 5 or 6 hour time change while a few we met explained that the 8 day crossing was the perfect way to wind down a busy work schedule with the following 7 days of visiting some of Europe’s ports a more enjoyable vacation.
And just as diverse as the reasons for taking this journey were the passengers.  We encountered plenty who were enjoying their well deserved retirement, a young honeymoon couple, working age empty nesters, families and friends sharing great quality time together.

Each day the journey could be as quiet and non-eventful as we wanted or filled with as many of the endless actives offered throughout the day and into evening.  On any given day, as we strolled through the multilevel atrium, there would ballroom and line dancing lessons being given, or perhaps a string quartet provided classical music to while away the afternoon or
pre-dinner dancing to some old and new favorites.  Every evening there was a choice of venues for a variety of shows.  The many lounges and cocktail bars offered just the atmosphere to suit our mood that evening.  We availed ourselves to as much or as little as we wanted each day; each day we created the mood we wanted to enjoy. 

Day 8 at sea we arrived to the Portuguese Azore Islands; located midway between North America and Europe - middle of the ocean!  We did not book a tour and opted to stretch our legs and do some walking.  We arrived to Ponta Delgado early in the day and after a late breakfast we headed into town.  Charming, lush and full of history!  We walked and walked and walked - and after a few hours sat harbourside to enjoy a refreshing beer and wine.  The sun felt wonderful! (The crossing thus far was smooth but under cloudy misty skies.)  

Another 2 days at sea and we arrived to Cobh and Cork, Ireland.  Our last visit to Cork was in 1999 with our niece who had just graduated high school….and in all that time, not much changed.  The towns still had the same warm welcoming feeling; it felt familiar with pub fronts and names just like in our old neighborhood in the Bronx. 

Next stop was Rotterdam, Netherlands.  We were the first to disembark the ship and our friends were waiting and waving upon seeing our faces!  It was such a happy meeting - and we meet up often, in many places - but that is a story all its own.  After kisses and hugs we were off and strolling. First stop, water taxi.  Onto a small boat with a “taxi” sign on it and across the waterway we went.  It was a really fast, slightly unnerving ride but what a great way to start the day!  We disembarked and walked along a main thoroughfare while friends pointed out highlights of the area before settling down for a relaxing cup of coffee and sweet treat.  Another taxi ride (on land) and headed to our lunch destination.  The meal served over several courses that went on and on, was exceptional - but then again, it was made all the more special because we shared it with friends that traveled from their home in a nearby town to meet us for the day.  That was a sweet treat in itself.  After filling ourselves up, it was time for another taxi ride on the water.  A short ride and back on land.  We strolled, we talked.  Rotterdam was almost completely destroyed during WW2, so most of the buildings are post war.  One of the more recent buildings to be get a make over is the train station.  A modern design that seems to blend rather nicely with the surrounding area.  Across the tram tracks and thriving honey-bee hives (the hives are controlled) we came upon the food market.  As you know by now, I love food markets!  This was a new build; it looked like a quonset hut/round roofed barn.  As we got closer it had balconies on the side - there apartments built into the food market building!  I wasn’t sure if I liked it or not - ingenious design, yes…living above a food market, not sure. We entered the market and it was delightful - the aromas, the scents, the feast for the eyes!  Breads, sausages, jams, beers, produce and so much more.  From the inside you could see the “inside” windows of the apartments.  A little strange…  As we finished our walk-thru, we stepped outside; the streets were busy with pedestrians, bike riders and strollers being pushed by moms laden with fresh goods for an evening dinner.  We headed back towards the water taxi station for the ride back towards the ship.  If I thought the first water taxi ride was unnerving, this one really got my pulse going!  Fast can’t describe how quickly we arrived!  The drop off was at the New York Hotel located in the old Holland America Lines building (back in the day when transatlantic was the only way to go).  It was cool, funky sort of place that would have been right at home in NYC’s SoHo.  Nothing like feeling at home!  We had plenty of time before we had to be on board, a couple of hours before our friends needed to get their train back home.  One bottle of wine, lots of great conversation, another bottle of wine and talks about our next meeting in August and then sad goodbyes began….  With warm hugs and plenty of kisses, we parted, we waved and boarded the ship.

Next stop, ZeeBrugge, Brussels.  The port is a working port and fair distance to town.  We opted for bus ride to the Blankenberge train station so we could catch the train to Bruges.  With 10 minutes to spare we purchased our ticket and boarded the train.  One stop to Bruges and we let the day begin!  The walk into the old part of Bruges was about 10 minutes along a park the yielded to rows of tiny houses with lovely flower boxes full of color.  Cobblestone streets ambled on and on, old archways gave a glimpse into life beyond them and quaint shops showcased their goods.  We walked for hours, over little bridges, along pretty canals lined with homes that leaned to and fro.  It was storybook.  The town square was filled with people milling about, horse and carriages passing with tourists snapping up photos, plenty of selfies being taken and, of course, endless flow of beers being served!  Soon it was time to make the walk back to the station for the ride back - but not before we stopped for a beer at a quiet little spot not too far from the station.  The sun was warm, the beer refreshing and gave us moment to talk about the sights we’d seen.
It was perfect way to end the day; it was a perfect last stop on the cruise before disembarkation the next day.

That evening it was quiet as we packed our bags to ready ourselves for a very early wake up at 5am!  Disembarkation day was to be a long day before arriving to our final destination, Spain.

And so ended an incredible first transatlantic cruise….Princess Cruises did an amazing job of providing excellent service throughout (we especially appreciated our cabin stewart).  The chefs’ prepared an excellent array of meals that were offered throughout the many, many dining venues.
There quiet areas, lounges, music for all tastes, an international coffee shop,  a delightful pizzeria, shopping boutiques, art gallery and spa services that rivaled any on land.  Entertainment was constant, varied and most enjoyable.  All in all, it was just the relaxing time needed finished with a few ports of call to walk off all those sweets from the spectacular pastry shop on board!  


Monday, April 20, 2015

Regal Princess Mini Cruise

Last weekend (April 12, 2015) I had the pleasure to take a mini (3day) cruise on the new Regal Princess.  What a delightful experience!

Now, I've been cruising since the mid 1980s and have seen the industry expand, ships grow in size and passenger capacity.  There are cruise lines for every style and budget, all types of traveller from couples or singles or families or friends.  Princess Cruises has managed to attract them all - and rightly so.  Service is superb!

We boarded at Port Everglades, a few minutes drive from the Ft. Lauderdale airport. From the point of check-in to actual embarkation it was a pleasant experience.  And once on board, we were in awe.
The style, the decor, the ambiance was beautiful.  Our stateroom, a balcony room, was larger than the last cabin I cruised in this past summer.  The bath was nicely appointed with a bit more room in the shower (yeah!) and a spacious closet was a pleasant surprise.

After dropping off our small carry on, and with map in hand, we set out to discover as much of the ship as we could.  We met up with friends at the Piazza on level 5, at the International Cafe/Bar.  A round of expertly prepared cocktails were delivered to us and so began the escape.  From there on it was new discovery after discovery.  The brilliant design of so many smaller gathering areas, lounges, shops, multiple pools, countless decks for sunning or reading, plus the many dining venues crated an atmosphere of a calm and relaxation.  And if there was a need for more relaxation, the Lotus Spa would fill the spot; we made good use of the spa and highly recommend it!

While the journey was a short one, there was a stop at the private island (Eleuthera); we opted to stay on board and explore yet more.  Even after 3 days, we had not covered all the public spaces!  However, those that did board the tender to the island must have had a wonderful day under the bright sunshine and swimming in the blue Bahamian waters.  I am sure that many took advantage of the many shore excursions that were offered.  Something for everyone...

Oh, the shortage of great meals, many dining options from sit-down meals to quality buffet service and more.  Our last evening we dined in the the Crown Grill and enjoyed a superb steak dinner.  We were 7 and our table was tucked away surrounded by their wine collections.  How apropos!  It was an outstanding finish to a great getaway.

Well, here is a short video of the ship - most were taken the first day, because after that, I was swept away in relaxation and never thought to pick up the camera again...

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Can you afford a place in Spain? YES!

Prices in Spain have hit rock bottom!  (see some of the links belows) Condos, villas and homes are about 60%+ off their highs and the time to buy is now!  The dollar is the strongest it has been in almost 10 years....and buying into a depressed market is a win-win situation for all!  This week I have been inundated with emails from various estate agents in Spain because the Euro is very low against the British pound and the US dollar.  I could not resist sharing some of the properties I saw on-line.  It almost doesn't pay to rent - and rents are pretty low!
(You may have to click the "back" button on some of the links to come back to the blog and view the remaining properties!)

I was able to find 2 bedroom condos, in golf communities with prices at 51,000Euros (about $58,000USD based on today's exchange rate)...that's a 2 bedroom condo, golf course community, never lived in, bank owned with an asking price of about $58,000!  The common charges are low, the taxes are low and the weather is dry and warm. Check out the photos:|10|2|100000|50000|99999998|0|0|3|3|1|1|1|All||2|11|0|2|1||2||||285|0:2147483647:0|0|1|1|66::&propertyNumOnPage=1

Want a furnished 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit in a golf course community?  Asking 85,000Euros (about $97,000 based on today's exchange rate).  Look this one over:|10|2|100000|50000|100000|0|0|3|3|1|1|1|All||2|11|0|2|1||2||||285|0:2147483647:0|2603|1|1|66::&propertyNumOnPage=1

Maybe you prefer a furnished 2bedroom-2bath independent villa, in a golf course community with a 5 star hotel and spa, a very short drive to beach, and 15 minutes to San Javier's right here:|10|2|100000|100000|200000|0|0|3|3|1|1|1|All||2|11|0|2|1||2||||285|0:2147483647:0|2602|1|1|66::&propertyNumOnPage=10

Think a brand new beachfront condo is out of reach?  Listed at 159,000Euros (about $180,000 based on today's exchange rate) this 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo is move in ready!  Click the link and make dreaming a reality!|10|2|100000|100000|200000|0|0|3|3|1|1|1|All||2|11|0|2|1||2||||285|0:2147483647:0|2603|1|1|66::&propertyNumOnPage=3

If you want to do a search specific to your needs, just click on this estate agent's website (below); it's in English and easy to use.  It even has a currency converter so you can see how incredibly affordable and possible it is to own your little piece of Spain!  We met with this agency during last year's visit; it is a family run business - very professional and personable.  Hopefully, you'll make a visit and meet them as well!  Take a break from the cold weather, put your feet up, grab a glass of rioja wine and have a look at what the future could hold for you!  Here's your first step:


Saturday, January 24, 2015


A - Affordable
B - Beautiful
C - Choices

Spain's coastline offers rugged cliffs, sandy beaches, warm Mediterranean waters and the cool Atlantic on its northern shore.  There is truly something for everyone in Spain: like to surf? The north shore will welcome you with waves.  Looking for sandy beaches perfect for bronzing?  The Mediterranean coast will basque you in sunshine.  Are you into long walks or hiking?  There are mountains and forests that cover every Spanish region.  History and culture?  Roman ruins, World Heritage sites, historical landmarks and museums are everywhere.  Sports?  Wide open water for pleasure cruising, smooth sailing or racing regattas.  There are golf courses galore.  Tennis and cycling superstar champions have made a name for Spain and soccer, well, that is national pastime like no other!  Do you prefer to sample incredible wines?  Spanish vineyards have produced some of the finest (under rated & under priced) wines we have ever tasted.  Needless to say, with wine goes a great meal and Spain can do some bragging here: as of 2013 Spain had 171 Michelin star restaurants - eight of which boast 3 Michelin stars!

We have traveled to Spain numerous times.  Once we drove from our villa rental in the Algarve (Portugal) back in the 1980s and stayed in beautiful Seville.  Maybe a decade or two later by cruise ship we stopped along the southern coast visiting several port cities and towns.  Most recently, in a scenic drive from France we stopped along the way at Barcelona, Valencia and Murcia.  In a previous visit to Barcelona, we were there either pre- or post-cruise, we decided to take the train to PortAventura theme park.  What fun we had.  Visiting Valencia, as I've written before, is a real taste of Spanish living.  Santiago Calatrava, noted Spanish architect, designed an art and sciences museum park that is well worth the visit if not just for the content but for the design.  (He also designed the World Trade Center PATH train station; it's futuristic - it's beautiful.)  Lesser known area of Murcia, the Mar Menor and LaManga combine to create a perfect sun and sand escape for holiday.  Where many know Madrid and Barcelona, some may have heard of Valencia and only a few know of Murcia.  Lifestyles of the rich and famous focus on Marbella and the party crowd flock to Ibiza but there is so much more to Spain that has yet to be explored!

So, as one can see, Spain is the hidden gem of Europe.  Currently the dollar is very strong against the euro - finally - after a 10 year's the time enjoy exceptional travel opportunities in affordable, incredible Spain!

Below is another blog post with a sample vacation package to Spain...take a look!

Click onto my travel website and look for the GLOBUS VACATIONS link to explore some of the travel packages to Spain or elsewhere!  Go have some fun - start planning your next holiday today!

Adios amigas y amigos!

Sample Travel Package to Spain!

JUST FOR FUN, I priced a sample vacation package to Spain for 2 people.  
The price per person is UNDER $2000.00 and includes all air transportation and 7 nights hotel plus travel insurance, taxes and fees!
Depart from NYC non-stop to Madrid for 5 days of exploring on your own, at your own pace.  Stay at the centrally located 4 star Petit Palace Lealtad Hotel.  Then, hop a flight down to Alicante and the sun kissed sands on the Mediterrean.  Spend another 3 nights at the 4 star beachfront Melia Alicante Hotel sampling sangria and tapas from the many restaurants that line the promenade.  This sample vacation package covers it all: history, culture, food, sun and fun!

Thank you for taking the time to price a Funjet Vacations getaway, where you'll Do Something You'll Never Forget. This sample itinerary was selected by Camille Albarelle from VIRTUAL GLOBAL TRAVEL (member of the KHM TRAVEL GROUP). All prices listed may be subject to change until payment is received.

Consider upgrading your room for the best vacation experience!

Please review the Terms and Conditions.

 Flights - departing  25SEP15 and Returning 03OCT15
First Leg Friday, September 25, 2015
American Airlines #8862† Operated by : AA 8862 IBERIABulk Fare Coach N
LeavesFriday, September 25, 201511:10 PMNew York - JFK (JFK)
ArrivesSaturday, September 26, 201512:25 PMMadrid (MAD) 
Travel time: 7hr 15min
  Additional baggage charges may apply

Second Leg Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Air Europa #4049† Operated by : UX 4049 SWIFTAIRPublished Fare Coach R
LeavesWednesday, September 30, 20152:45 PMMadrid (MAD)
ArrivesWednesday, September 30, 20154:15 PMAlicante (ALC) 
Travel time: 1hr 30min
  Additional baggage charges may apply

Third Leg Saturday, October 3, 2015
American Airlines #8584† Operated by : AA 8584 AIR NOSTRUM FOR IBERIABulk Fare Coach N
LeavesSaturday, October 3, 20158:45 AMAlicante (ALC)
ArrivesSaturday, October 3, 20159:55 AMMadrid (MAD) 
American Airlines #8645† Operated by : AA 8645 IBERIABulk Fare Coach N
LeavesSaturday, October 3, 201512:30 PMMadrid (MAD)
ArrivesSaturday, October 3, 20152:50 PMNew York - JFK (JFK) 
Travel time: 12hr 5min
  Additional baggage charges may apply

† indicates codeshare flight

Destination 1 - Madrid (MAD)

 Hotel - check in 26SEP15 and check out 30SEP15
Petit Palace Lealtad PlazaRoom 1  - 2 Adults
Room Type - Run Of House Room Assigned On Arrival 

Applicable promotions will display with your room selection. Some restrictions may apply.
Hotel Rating 4.0 4 Rating

 Add-ons - for 25SEP15 to 03OCT15
Dream Vacation Care 

Date - Saturday, September 26, 2015
Price - Included with hotel

Destination 2 - Alicante (ALC)

 Hotel - check in 30SEP15 and check out 03OCT15
Melia Alicante
- Location: Beach 
Room 1  - 2 Adults
Room Type - Double Room - With Breakfast 

Applicable promotions will display with your room selection. Some restrictions may apply.
Not Rated

 Add-ons - for 25SEP15 to 03OCT15
Dream Vacation Care 

Date - Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Price - Included with hotel

 Add-ons - for 25SEP15 to 03OCT15
Europe Travel Protection Plan - click for benefits

Date - Saturday, September 26, 2015
Price - 2 Adults $69.99 ea.

Flights, Hotel & Add-ons Package (includes Taxes and Carrier Imposed Fees)$3,826.96
Adult Base Price(2)$1,913.48
Europe Travel Protection Plan - click for benefits$139.98
Optional Components$139.98
Total Price$3,966.94
Price per person$1,983.47
Total price including taxes and fees*