Friday, March 28, 2014

Video: Scandinavia

Click on the title "Scandinavia" to see the video!

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Travel: Scandinavia

     Last week I mentioned that we visited St. Petersburg, Russia while on a cruise of the North Sea.  Three amazing countries were also ports of call: Finland, Sweden and Denmark.  (I made a short video of photos taken in each. See the "Video" link.)
    Artic Circle??
 When we arrived to Finland the first thing we saw disembarking the ship was a sign indicating the lat/long of Helsinki and proximity to the Artic Circle...

Recipe: Onion Confit (Preserve) with Chorizo

This is simple Spanish tapas recipe full of flavor.  The recipe comes in two parts: cooking down the onions and then cooking up the chorizo.  You can cook the onion confit and refrigerate for a few days: use some of it with the cooked chorizo, save some to top your burgers/pork chops or steaks, or even spread on bread!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Travel: A Trip Through Tuscany

     Not so long ago, we took a "road trip" through Tuscany.  Our journey began from Antibes, France.  We drove on motorways that travelled along the Mediterranean coast, then up towards the Alps and skirting away to give a glimpse of the sea before reaching the western gateway of Tuscany.  The first stopover of this 10 day trip was to the walled city of Lucca.

Travel: St Petersburg, Russia

     I am writing this in March of 2014 and Russia has just recognized Crimea as its own.  In light of this historic action, I thought to share my photos of a trip a while back to St. Petersburg, Russia (or as a Russian ex-pat called it, "Oh, you mean Leningrad").

Video: Tuscan Countryside

Video: St. Petersburg, Russia

Friday, March 14, 2014

HS Students & Graduates: Student Exchange in Germany! (Even Teachers!)

What an opportunity!  High school students have a chance to 'student-exchange' with a German student and family for a short period (16 days) or longer (up to one year after HS graduation).  The world is getting smaller, job market is increasingly competitive and knowing that opportunities to enrich one's education, life and work experience should be considered.  The following links offer more insight into the programs.

Travel: Ski the French Alps!

Calling skiers and snowboarders alike!  The height of ski season almost over, the ski resorts in the area of Alpes-Maritimes (Alps to the Med Sea) are offering specials - and there are offers for lovers of winter sports at all price levels.

Spend the day skiing the Alps or the mountains behind Nice/Cannes, spend the next day on the beach or perhaps enjoying one of the many spa resorts in the area, day after that shopping and strolling though the old town in Nice!

Helpful Hint: Teaching Asst Program in France

While at the French Consulate in Miami last week waiting for my annual 6month Tourist Visa, I picked up this little bit of information about teaching English in France.  I know a few weeks ago I posted 'If I was 30 years younger..." - well, guess what - this particular program, sponsored by the French Ministry of National Education is looking for young people (age 20-30) to teach in France!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Video: Germany's Romantic Rhine and Villages

Video: England's Cotswolds and the Midlands

Video: French Riviera Day Trips

Video: Dusseldorf & Cochem, Germany

Video: Vallauris

Switching Gears....

I’ve had this blog-website for a year and in that time I’ve had to learn all the little nuances of blog writing and the technical side as well. So far, I’ve gotten the writing part ""down", but the tech stuff is still a little "up there" for me. 

But because I like a challenge, I switched to a new format for the blog. And it has been a challenging two weeks for me!  The site should be easier to navigate and you will have only to read the "Home" page to read the latest post(s).  You can always browse through the various types of posts (Recipes/VGL Cookbook, Travel, Photos, Videos, Hints...).

As always, I welcome your comments, and please, sign up as a "Google+"! 


PS - If you read the "About" page, you'll understand the "Fifi" !