Friday, March 14, 2014

Helpful Hint: Teaching Asst Program in France

While at the French Consulate in Miami last week waiting for my annual 6month Tourist Visa, I picked up this little bit of information about teaching English in France.  I know a few weeks ago I posted 'If I was 30 years younger..." - well, guess what - this particular program, sponsored by the French Ministry of National Education is looking for young people (age 20-30) to teach in France!
If you, or someone you know has studied French (and is proficient) please apply!  This is another great opportunity to expand one's frame of reference.  Special consideration is given to students who plan to become French teachers. I thought this would be another great way to find a job, travel, and experience something new. For more information:  Email:

About the visa....if you plan to visit France, or any country in Europe (Schengen Area) you do NOT need a visa if your visit is for less than 3 months.  Since we stay longer than that, we need a visa stating we are tourists and not looking for employment.  All the countries welcome tourists since it is great for the local economy and tourism.  You can get loads of information on line from the tourist boards of the countries and cities you wish to visit - some will even mail it to you!

This was just a short post to share that little bit of employment opportunity!


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