Friday, March 14, 2014

HS Students & Graduates: Student Exchange in Germany! (Even Teachers!)

What an opportunity!  High school students have a chance to 'student-exchange' with a German student and family for a short period (16 days) or longer (up to one year after HS graduation).  The world is getting smaller, job market is increasingly competitive and knowing that opportunities to enrich one's education, life and work experience should be considered.  The following links offer more insight into the programs.

High School Graduates - Vocation Youth Exchange Program
"The Congress-Bundestag Vocational Youth Exchange Program offers graduating high school seniors the opportunity to live with a German host family, participate in a training or school program, and gain experience working abroad through an internship with a German company. - See more at: ..."  Paste the link to your browser to read the full program information

Long Term Exchange Opportunity with GAPP
"Attending a high school and living in the United States or Germany for a longer period of time is a life enriching experience – not only for the student abroad but also for the people s/he will encounter...." 
Read more about this program

How To Find A Partner School in Germany

Lufthansa Supports the GAPP Program
"Lufthansa supports the GAPP program by offering special rates for students and teachers who wish to explore Germany..." This link has all the details:

There is a whole world of opportunity out there....reach out and grab hold!  Our young students need as much of a competitive edge as possible in today's world - why not share this information with someone you know!


PS - My very dear friend has provided me with the above information and has been my best resource to date for all things German!  To him I say "Thank You", from the bottom of my heart! Fifi

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