Monday, February 24, 2014

Recipe: Chicken Cutlets Stuffed with Prosciutto & Parmesan Cheese

This is a simple dish to prepare....and the "gravy" is sooo good! This is slight variation of a "Saltimbocca" that we've had out. Don't let the gravy go to waste - maybe you'll serve it up with mashed potatoes, mashed carrots or could always use bread! This meal takes about 30 minutes from prep to finish...I usually "sample" wine while I cook, so give or take a few minutes on the total time....I'm a happy cook. By the way, the recipe below is for two of us.
  • 4 pieces of chicken cutlets
  • 4 very thin slices Proscuitto
  • 1/4 - 1/2 cup grated Parmesan Cheese
  • About 2+ Tablespoons butter (my butter is in a huge brick, hard to tell)
  • About 2+ Tablespoons olive oil
  • 3/4 cup dry white wine (one that will accompany dinner!)
Cutlets pounded thin
Cutlets pounded thin
Pound the cutlets so they are thin (not so thin they are "see-thru"!) I placed the cutlets on foil and covered them with plastic wrap so I could see how the pounding was coming along. I used my rolling pin to pound

Cutlets topped with Proscuitto and Parmesan
Cutlets topped with Proscuitto and Parmesan
Next put one slice of proscuitto on each and sprinkle (heavy handed is OK) with Parmesan Cheese

2-3 Tablespoons of butter and 2+ Tablespoons of olive oil
2-3 Tablespoons of butter and 2+ Tablespoons of olive oil
Put the oil and the butter into a frying pan (one that has a cover) set on low to melt the butter.

Back to the cutlets;
Rolled cutlets held with wooden toothpicks
Rolled cutlets held with wooden toothpicks
roll them up and hold together with 1-2 wooden toothpicks

Add the cutlets to the frying pan (med-high heat) and brown...
Cook until browned on all sides
Cook until browned on all sides
keep turning them to get them browned on all sides (a little tricky with the tooth picks, but using tongs really does help)

Dinner is served
Dinner is served
Once they are browned, lower the heat to simmer and add the wine. Cover and let simmer 12-18 minutes. In the interim, I made our salad, you could make your side dish. Remove chicken from pan and plate. Let the gravy continue to cook on a good strong simmer. Set your table....come back and pour the gravy over the cutlets and serve. Hopefully you will have some nice mashed potatoes on the side. I served it up with a mixed green salad, with dried cranberries, cucumber, toasted pine nuts, hard boiled egg, warm Balsamic vinegar and a fine olive oil. Enjoy the meal with a tall glass of cold water and glass of "left-over" wine!!

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