Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Recipe: Mac 'n' Cheese for Grown-ups

Mac’n’Cheese for Grown-Ups
Serves 4-6
1 lb dry pasta (ex: egg bows “farfalle”, elbow, mini egg-bow)
3-4 oz Jack Cheese – shredded/grated
3-4 oz Cheddar – shredded/grated
2 Tablespoons Butter
½ -3/4 cup milk (use ½ cup first, add a little more if needed)
¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes
2 slices thick cut bacon – cut into small bits
  1. Shred/grate cheeses and set aside
  2. In a small fry pan, with no oil or butter, cook up the bacon on low-medium heat until done.
  3. In large saucepot, bring water to boil, then salt
  4. Remove cooked bacon bits from fry pan and set aside on plate with paper towel to absorb extra drippings
  5. Add pasta to boiling water – cook as directed
  6. Drain pasta from pot and keep in strainer
  7. Turn oven on to "broil"
  8. Add the butter, ½ cup milk, ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes and cheeses to the sauce pot
  9. Return to stove and melt down the cheese mix – stirring constantly
  10. Add the pasta to the sauce pot and mix into the cheese mixture.  (If the mix is too thick, add the extra ¼ cup milk and keep blending.
  11. In an oven-proof baking dish/casserole, pour the pasta cheese mix
  12. Sprinkle the bacon bits on top
  13. Place under broiler and let the cheese lightly brown.
  14. Serve and enjoy!

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