Monday, February 24, 2014

Travel: Germany's Romantic Rhine/Romantic Road

We've just returned from a 6 day trip to two of Germany's loveliest places - the Romantic Road and the Romantic Rhine.
The trip was planned earlier this year with our friends taking charge of the details. Our friends are very familiar with Germany, one of whom is German - so what better way to see the true gems a country has to offer than with a "local". We were kept in the dark regarding the details and logistics; it was to be a surprise. I love surprises!
We arrived to Frankfurt airport where our friends greeted us and we headed to the car rental counter and off we went...but where? We know a little geography about Germany but not the motorways...within an hour's time our friends were driving us along the Rhine River and gazing at some of the prettiest riverfront villages with medieval castles looming above them. With a quick turn here and another there, we were slowly making our way through a forest-like drive, and then it appeared....a castle. With ramparts and towers, the prominent perch was majestic!
Our Castle/Hotel
It was our hotel! It was amazing! We walked across the "drawbridge" and stood in awe of this magnificent building before entering the "gate" to the inner courtyard. Our hosts (this is a family run hotel) were most gracious (speaking perfect English) and showed us to our rooms. Oh-my-goodness! Our room was near the top of the castle, with a magnificent view of the Rhine River and our private terrace on the castle's ramparts!
How regal!
So very romantic!

The hotel offers daily breakfast and gourmet dinner - and well worth the experience! The quality is superb and the food is exceptional. View their site:

The afternoon did not end was a wine tour! We were picked up by a local vintner (7th generation!) who brought us to a high point where we overlooked some of his vineyard while sampling the "sparkling" wine! Another short drive and we were at his wine cellar/restaurant. Sampled another 5 wines - all Reislings - and they were wonderful! He was man who clearly loved what he did and it showed.
After an excellent gourmet meal that evening, we settled in like the king and queen of the castle....tomorrow was to bring more surprises.
Indeed it did! Up early with a hearty breakfast and off we went....a Rhine River cruise! We cruised the Rhine for a few lazy hours and took in all the sights of the lovely villages along the route. The last stop was our lunch destination. It was a was fairybook town! Rudesheim is a popular town - made a little more popular back in the 1960s-70s with our military; it appears great hearty food served up in a beautiful town was, is, and shall always be, an excellent pairing! After a stroll through town and a chair lift ride overlooking the vineyards, town and river we were ready for the paddle-boat ride back to "our" castle.
100 yr old paddleboat

Well, next day we were off again...destination? A secret...the excitement of unknown travel filled the air!
A break in the drive for lunch...a small town, again that which fairy tales are made of, is the stop....Weikersheim! We are on the Romantic Road!
Weikersheim Castle
The charming town looked adorable...all the words used to describe something that is "small". A quaint little square with a church, a museum and a young man playing his violin while we had our lunch. How delightful. A need to walk off lunch and stretch our legs, we ventured further through an archway and came upon a courtyard. Oh yes...a castle's courtyard! One would never believe that behind the charming village square stood this castle - which by the way, was open for tours. The tour was given in German, but a booklet written in English was offered. There was almost no need for the booklet...the rooms were amazing! The furniture, from canopied beds to "reception" room pieces, were imposing. The tapestries, the Chinese ceramics and table settings were all beautifully displayed. And most surprisingly, the centuries old wood floors were in remarkable condition. Well, back in the car and we arrive at the epitome of "quaint German towns" - Rothenburg! Could it be any more fairy tale?

Well, this little village is right out of a book - history or fairy tale! The story goes that Rothenburg was described as the quintessential German town. During WW2 the German leadership told the mayor and villagers to fight the Allies to the end. Upon arrival, and after bombing a portion of the village's outter wall, the American General went to the German mayor and said we don't want to destroy this beautiful village (I am paraphrasing). The mayor of Rothenburg surrendered without a fight and spared his village. The American General was later awarded honorary German citizenship for helping to preserve Rothenburg. I'm glad the village is so well preserved and lovingly cared for.
Next day to another "romantic" village for lunch - Dinkelsbuhl. Good heavens, I was living in a fairy tale kingdom! It was a Sunday - and the village was quiet....great opportunity to stroll at a slower pace and take it all in. The quiet was interrupted twice: church bells pealing and then the sound of horse drawn carriage along the cobbled stone streets...was I dreaming? We had lunch at a very old building (1440!) - excellent service, superb cuisine and outstanding wines. Check out more:
Horse & Carriage
Dinkelsbuhl historic restaurant

As if we had not eaten enough, there was dinner at one of finest establishments back in Rothenburg: Eisenhut Hotel & Restaurant. A step back in time with a fast forward to culinary delight. ( In fact, we just saw a travel episode on the Romantic Road and the show's presenter stayed at this hotel. We are settling in for the night since the next day's destination was Frankfurt.
Frankfurt is the financial capital of Germany. It is fast paced - it is vertical - it is vibrant! Our stay was just overnight before flying home...but our friends made sure we got the most of it! A hearty (and delicious) pub lunch in a "trendy" part of town, a walk over the Rhine on the "lock" bridge and into the pulse of the city.
Notice the locks: lovers have locked their eternal love
A quaint "town square" where the German (Women's) Soccer Team was celebrating their European Championship with hundreds of cheering fans. A few steps away a vertical rise, a shopping district, the opera house and dozens of places to stop an quench a thirst.
Frankfurt by day
Nightfall brings on a whole new magic...
Enjoy the video:

Well, all good trips must come to end and ours was no different....Auf Wiedersehen!

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